An ardent proponent of holistic conservation who believes thatconservation should sustainably benefit wildlife and Africa’s peoplesfirst, thus guaranteeing that nature will be there for future generationsto enjoy.
With more than 14 years of experience – predominantly in workingwith elephants and facilitating wildlife research and participating inproducing several wildlife-themed television programmes. Also, themanaging director of several companies and organisations, includingAdventures With Elephants, the Rory Hensman Conservation &Research Unit, the African Wildlife Medical Centre, the WaterbergDevelopment Initiative, and Grow Bela-Bela.
As the managing director of Adventures with Elephants, educatingthe public about issues facing elephants, wildlife, and conservationistsin a modernising Africa. The elephants under my charge are the moststudied herd in Africa, having been the subjects of research by avariety of organisations worldwide, including the US Army ResearchOffice and local universities.
In addition, also actively pursuing my own research in various fields,from the uses of elephants as bio-detectors (such as tracking criminalsas well as finding landmines and drugs) to inter-speciescommunication and human-elephant conflict resolution as well aswildlife range expansion.